How to Know if Neuro Linguistic Programming is Working

How to Know if Neuro Linguistic Programming is Working

The true test of any self-improvement program is whether or not it works. Neuro linguistic programming, a series of procedures developed to help people make desired changes in their lives, is no exception. Do the powerful mental visualizations evoked in "The Swish" really help eliminate negative behavior, like smoking? Does "matching" the physical and vocal style of a stranger make him more disposed to buy something from you? There are ways to know whether or not your chosen method is working.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Introduce Yourself to Neuro Linguistic Programming


Search the Web for factual sites about NLP. Look for specific principles and methods, how they work and what the result is supposed to be. Richard Bander is one of the founders of NLP, making his NLP Frequently Asked Questions Web page a particularly good place to start your research (see Resources below).


Differentiate between techniques meant to work within a single person, such as re-framing, and those that have to do with interpersonal contact, like rapport. You may wish to hone in on one or the other.


Seek out case studies and stories from NLP practitioners or from personal blogs that show how the NLP process has benefited (or not benefited) specific people. You can read case studies at the National Federation of Neuro Linguistic Psychology Web site (see Resources below).

Discover What Works for You


Try one or two of the NLP exercises, like anchoring or mirroring, for yourself. Be sure you know what it is, how it works and what the end product is supposed to be. You can find a list of methods at the "Free NLP Tips, Techniques, Information & Articles" page of the Pegasus NLP Training Web site (see Resources below).


Follow the steps carefully.


Pay special attention to requirements for visualization. Be sure your mental pictures are clear and that you can change them as the exercise demands.


Notice specifics, especially for operations involving social contact, in which the measure of your success is the reaction of the other person. Look and listen attentively.


Jot down your reactions and feelings immediately after each attempt. Mention whether you believe the methods were really working for you.


Wait. The only real test of these methods is time.


Check your notes from the experience first a few days, then a few weeks, afterward. Is your perception of the experience still the same? If it has changed, in what way? If the changes you were aiming for are still in force, you know NLP is working for you.

Tips & Warnings

Neuro linguistic programming advocates often push the speed with which it works as a selling point, but every person is different. You may need a number of tries at a particular technique or several different techniques to get the results you want.

Working with a neuro linguistic programmer is considered the best way to achieve dramatic, lasting results, but these sessions can be expensive.

There is no accepted scientific research that confirms the effects of NLP. Positive results can be calculated only through the testimony of individuals.

NLP is not a medical or psychiatric procedure. If you have a serious physical or emotional complaint, from acute pain to clinical depression, check with a doctor.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.