How to Learn About Shamanic Breathwork

How to Learn About Shamanic Breathwork

In many remote areas of the world today, shamans are healers who restore the balance to individuals suffering from illness caused by imbalance. Sometimes this healing involves prayers, songs or chants. The experience is thought to cleanse the recipients of harmful impurities. In some cultures, shamans are believed to be able to travel to other worlds with the help of power animals and spirit guides. Shamanic breathwork combines historic shamanic principles with contemporary breathing guidance to restore balance to the body and release stress. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access


Know that shamanic breathwork doesn't necessarily require a shaman to perform the ceremony. Shamanic breathwork attempts to waken the inner shaman healer within the breather. This is a journey inward, where the shaman inside will attempt to release dysfunctional patterns and transform old wounds.


Feel safe knowing that your inward journey won't be alone. A facilitator oversees the ceremony. You'll have co-journeyers beside you to help you learn.


Be prepared for the physical sensations that accompany shamanic breathwork. During a session, you may be brushed with sage, cedar or sweet grass. Partake in the prayerful invocations and listen to the constant beat of the ceremony drums.


Understand the purpose of a shamanic breathwork session. The goal is to release your inner shaman as you learn to control your breathing and enter a dreamlike, altered state. The session will typically last between one and two hours. Sessions during multi-day retreats may last longer.


Get all of your questions answered by visiting Web sites like the Venus Rising of AIWP Institute for Shamanic Healing Arts site (see Resources below). They have a comprehensive history and event schedule available, as well as other resources to help you learn more about the techniques and purpose of shamanic breathwork.


Find a facilitator online by visiting breathwork directories like the Transformational Breathwork Directory (see Resources below). A Web site is typically listed for each practitioner. This is where you can look up fees and service descriptions.

Tips & Warnings

Shamanic breathwork sessions cost about the same as traditional breathwork sessions, which range from affordable to expensive, depending on the package you select. Some breathwork facilitators offer multi-day retreats that cost as much as a few nights at 4-star hotel. Check with your local facilitator for current rates.

As with all breathwork, there is a danger of hypoxia, or a lack of sufficient oxygen. This is due to the extreme and deliberate changes in breathing pattern that is required by this technique. Additionally, because of the psychotropic nature of breathwork, there have been reported instances of insanity. Make sure you are mentally healthy enough for shamanic breathwork before enrolling.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.