How to Make Aloe Vera Gel

How to Make Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera is a beautiful common houseplant that has been used for centuries in folk remedies. The soothing gel found inside of the leaves helps to soothe burns and bug bites and moisturizes the skin without an oily build-up. If you are wondering how your can transform your houseplant into aloe vera gel like that found in your local supermarket, the process is simple and easy.

Things You'll Need:

Paring knife

Fresh aloe vera leaves

Vegetable peeler



Vitamin C tablets or powder

Vitamin E gel capsules

Small glass jar with tight fitting lid

Cheesecloth (optional)


Use a paring knife to carefully cut off the spiked edges of a large outer aloe vera leaf. With a vegetable peeler, remove the skin on one side of the leaf. Scoop out the inner gel-like pulp with a spoon and place it into a blender.


Add 500 mg of powdered vitamin C and 400 IU of vitamin E to the blender for every 1/4 cup of aloe vera pulp. You can easily crush vitamin C tablets with the back of a spoon to make powder. Vitamin E can be purchased in capsules which are easy to puncture with a knife so that you may squeeze the contents into the blender. Not only will vitamins C and E add extra health benefits to the aloe vera gel, they will help to preserve the gel for longer.


Blend the contents thoroughly and place the finished aloe vera gel into a small glass jar with a tight fitting lid. A few pieces of pulp may remain in the gel. If you would like perfectly smooth gel, filter the contents of the blender through a piece of cheesecloth when adding it to a jar.


Keep aloe vera gel in the refrigerator to keep it fresh for about 3 months.

Tips & Warnings

If you do not have your own aloe vera plant, you can purchase large fresh leaves in the vegetable section of your local health food store.

How to Make Aloe Vera Gel for Herbal Remedies

How to Make Aloe Vera Gel for Herbal Remedies

Aloe vera gel and aloe juice are common, versatile ingredients of herbal remedies. They are extracted from the leaves of the aloe plant, or "Lily of the Desert." You can prepare your own aloe vera gel for use in making your own herbal remedy. For centuries, it has been made in much the same way as it is to this very day. Read on to learn how to prepare aloe vera gel.

Things You'll Need:

Fresh leaf of Aloe Vera

Small knife

Veggie peeler


800 IU Vitamin E capsule (or two 400 IU capsules)

1000 mg Vitamin C capsule (or two 500mg)

Glass jar container or food-safe plastic container


Obtain a fresh leaf of aloe vera. If you pluck it fresh from the aloe plant, be sure to take one of the outer most leaves, which are the most potent. Slice off the spikes of the leaf. Thinly peel off the leaf's skin.


Scoop out enough of the thick, clear pulp to make up half a cup. Place the pulp into blender. Pierce the vitamin E capsule and squeeze out the contents into the blender.


Crush the vitamin C capsule with the back of a spoon and add it to the blender. Blend to mix thoroughly.


Store your aloe vera gel in a glass jar container or food-safe plastic container and store it in the refrigerator.

Tips & Warnings

If you harvest your leaf fresh, be sure to use it within two hours or it will oxidize.

Plant an aloe vera plant of your own so that you will have it handy whenever you need it

How to Make Almond Hand and Foot Scrub

How to Make Almond Hand and Foot Scrub

Sometimes you just want to relax and pamper yourself. If you've ever been to a day spa, you've seen the shelves lined with fragrant scrubs that promise to soften your skin and leave it feeling silky smooth. You can get that same treatment in your own home, for a fraction of the cost, with almond hand and foot scrub.

Things You'll Need:

Coarse sea salt

Sweet almond oil

Lavender essential oil

Quart size glass jar


Sterilize the glass jar by immersing it in boiling water, along with the lid for at least three minutes. Drain on a clean towel until dry. Make sure the lid fits tightly.


Measure out two cups of coarse sea salt into the jar. If you have a hard time finding sea salt, you may substitute kosher salt, but there will be a slight difference in texture.


Add two cups of almond oil. This is your base.


Squeeze a drop, or two, of
essential oil into the blend. If you don't like the scent of lavender, you may substitute another essential oil in its place. Rose and citrus are good choices.


Store your almond hand and foot scrub in a dark place, such as a bathroom cabinet. It should last about six months.


Stir the blend thoroughly before using. The ingredients will separate after it sits. Scoop out about a teaspoon and slather it on your hands and feet, gently massaging it into the skin for a few minutes. Wash off with soap and warm water.

Tips & Warnings

For an intense foot treatment have a hot damp towel handy to wrap your feet in after applying the scrub. Allow the scrub to remain on for 10 minutes before washing your feet.

Try replacing the sea salt with Epsom Salt for a refreshing change.

Some people have sensitive skin. If you develop redness from the scrub, discontinue use.

How to Make All Natural Sports Rub Cream

How to Make All Natural Sports Rub Cream

For those who enjoy working out or playing
, but do not like putting chemical laden sports creams on their tired and aching muscles, this all natural sports rub is for you. Created with simple, all natural ingredients, it provides the same soothing warmth as commercial preparations. The secret lies in the special mixture of essential oils that produce a feeling of warmth on the skin and beneath.

Things You'll Need:

Sweet almond oil

Natural beeswax


Essential Oils


Make the base of this sports cream with one cup of sweet almond oil and half a cup of all natural beeswax. Both of these products can be found in health food and all natural markets. Mix in one quarter cup of glycerine for skin moisturizing.


To this all natural cream base, add four to five drops each of menthol, eucalyptus, wintergreen, camphor, and peppermint essential oils. These essential oils create a feeling of warmth when applied to the skin. This warmth is what sooths aching or strained muscles and joints.


Use this all natrual sports cream just as you would use one of the commercial products you find in drug stores. Rub it on the area, such as legs or back, that is sore or aching from exercise. Be very careful not to get this sports cream into your eyes or on any sensitive areas.


Wash your hands thoroughly after using this product. There is a slight chance that this cream will mark clothing due to the natural oils or creams used in its production. As with any new cream or lotion, use care in applying it.

Tips & Warnings

Do not get this in your eyes or mucous membranes.

How to Make a Massage Oil for Sprains

How to Make a Massage Oil for Sprains

The tight pain of a sprain is one that nobody wants, but there’s always the risk of a sprain for those who engage in
, outdoor activities and exercise. Using essential oils, you can create your own massage oil to help soothe away the pains. Here’s how to create a massage oil that will help to treat a sprain.

Things You'll Need:

Sesame or almond oil

Plastic bottle with cap

Pure essential oils


Buy only sesame or almond oil that is specifically designed to be used for massage. It has been specially refined and prepared for use on the skin. You can get it at health food stores and online.


Choose 100 percent pure essential oils--only these offer healthful benefits. The label will state "100% pure." You can find them at health food stores and online. Don’t use synthetic oils as they do not have the same benefits.


Select the formula that most appeals to your sense of smell. Most stores have tester bottles, so take a few whiffs and choose the scents you really like. For sprains, there are several formulas to choose from and each of them have “warming” oils which create the sensation of heat as you massage them into the area. Here are two that would work especially well:Formula #1: Cypress, rose, and lemongrass essential oils. Formula #2: Cajeput,
, celery and cypress essential oils.


Make Formula #1. To create the massage oil, mix the essential oil with the sesame or almond oil, known as a "carrier" oil. Measure one tablespoon (15 ml) of the oil into the plastic bottle, then add 5 drops each of cypress, rose, and lemongrass essential oil. Shake well. Go to Step 6.


Make Formula #2. To create the massage oil, mix the essential oil with the sesame or almond oil, known as a "carrier" oil. Measure one tablespoon (15ml) of oil into the plastic bottle, then add 5 drops of cajeput, 4 drops each of lavender and celery, and 2 of cypress. Shake well. Go to Step 6.


Massage 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of the formula into the sprain and surrounding tissues. Several applications of the massage oil may be needed throughout the day until the area feels better.

Tips & Warnings

If you want to make a larger batch of oil, simply increase the proportions, such as doubling or tripling the amounts. The massage oil will keep.

Store all oils in a cool dry place. Keep the lids firmly closed to prevent evaporation, and keep away from sunlight.

For anyone with sensitive skin, dilute the essential oils even more.

Do not use essential oils if you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant without getting professional advice.

If any skin irritation occurs, stop using immediately.

How to Make a Liver Tonic

How to Make a Liver Tonic

If you have liver problems or are just looking to keep your liver as healthy as possible then a liver tonic might be the key for you. A liver tonic is something used to cleanse the liver. In this article you will learn how to make your own liver tonic.

Things You'll Need:

Cinnamon bark

Chopped dandelion root

Ginger root

Caraway seeds

Senna leaves




Mix together 1 ounce each of cinnamon bark, chopped dandelion root, ginger root, caraway seeds, and senna leaves. Add all of the mixed ingredients to 3 pints of water.


Gently bring the mixture to a boil, allowing the liquid to boil until it is reduced in volume to about 1 1/2 pints. Add a 1/2 pound of sugar to the mixture and return it to a gentle boil.


When the mixture finally reaches the second boil let it boil for two minutes and then remove it from the heat. Strain the mixture and allow it to cool.


Store the tonic in the refrigerator. Take does frequently with 1 teaspoon daily for 1 week.

Tips & Warnings

Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed in this tonic.

How to Make a Lavender Tincture

How to Make a Lavender Tincture

tincture is an infusion of dried lavender blooms in a mixture of water and your choice of strong, clear alcohol. It is very helpful in soothing jangled nerves, aiding in a restful sleep and relieving stress related headaches.

Things You'll Need:

Clean mason jar

Dried lavender

Clear alcohol

Filtered water

Measuring cup



Dark glass bottle


Fill a 1-quart mason jar or other wide mouthed jar 3/4 full with dried lavender flowers.


Mix 1 cup of strong, clear alcohol (I suggest good quality vodka) with 3 cups of clean, filtered water.


Pour the alcohol and water mixture over the lavender and cover tightly.


Shake the jar well to ensure that all the herbs are saturated and evenly dispersed through the alcohol mixture.


Store the jar in a dark, cool cabinet. Keep it away from direct light, heat sources and freezing temperatures.


Stir or shake the jar once or twice a day for at least a month to allow all the herb's natural oils and essences to release into the liquid.


Strain the mixture through a clean cheesecloth placed in a funnel, pouring the liquid into a dark glass bottle for long-term storage and gathering the herbs for the trash or compost pile.

Tips & Warnings

Use a high quality alcohol that has very little sugar to get the best results from your tincture. Vodka, Pure Grain Alcohol or Gin are good options. The alcohol should be at least 40% by volume.

Squeeze the cheesecloth to remove as much tincture liquid as possible before disposing of the herbs.

Do not give lavender tincture to anyone whose medical history you do not know. It should not be used by people with allergies to lavender or by recovering alcoholics.

Purchase your lavender from a reputable source that does not use pesticides on the plants. Pesticides on the dried lavender can seep into your tincture.

How to Make a Kefir-Enhanced Herbal Tea

How to Make a Kefir-Enhanced Herbal Tea

The health benefits of herbal teas may be increased by fermentation with kefir grains--communities of microorganisms that produce enzymes and vitamins while feeding on nourishing liquids. Culturing herbal tea with kefir grains also releases substances that are insoluble in water, further enhancing the medicinal action of the herbs.

Things You'll Need:

Kefir grains

Herbal tea bags, loose dried herbs or fresh-picked herbs

Honey or raw sugar

Filtered or spring water

Wide-mouthed jar with lid

Square of cloth mesh, about 2 inches on each side (optional)

Clean cotton string (optional)


Brew a jar of herbal tea, cap and allow to cool. If using loose or fresh-picked herbs, strain out the plant matter when cool. If using tea bags, remove them when cool.


Add one tbsp. of honey or raw sugar per 2 cups of water, stirring thoroughly to dissolve. The sweetener is not for flavor but to feed the kefir microorganisms. It will be consumed, and the final product will not be sweet.


Put the kefir grains into the jar. If they are coming from a milk product fermentation, you may want to gently rinse them in filtered or spring water to remove the milk.


Cap the jar and allow to sit in a corner of the kitchen. Rock or gently shake the jar once in a while. Taste the ferment daily. The first time, it may take several days to develop a nice, sour flavor, since the microorganisms must adapt to the watery environment. Later, it will generally take only 24 to 48 hours.


Remove the kefir grains once the ferment has reached a flavor you like. Your fermented herbal tea is now ready to drink. Refrigerate the liquid and re-use the grains in a new culture.

Tips & Warnings

Also try the no-heat method, which preserves substances that would be destroyed by heating. Simply put the herbs or teabags into room-temperature water with the honey or sugar and add the kefir grains.

For the no-heat method, if you are using loose tea or fresh-picked herbs, put the kefir grains into a square of mesh cloth and tie it closed with string. Suspend this bag in the tea and close the cap with the string hanging out. When the ferment is done, simply pull out the mesh pouch to separate the grains from the plant matter.

Some herbal ferments will taste better than others. Here are my own favorites: yarrow, lemon balm, raspberry leaf, St. John's wort, assorted spring flowers (dandelion, cinquefoil, speedwell). Experiment with individual herbs and then try combinations.

Keep in mind that herbs have medicinal actions and tailor your choices to your own body's needs.

Reproduction in an herbal environment may change the structure of the kefir grains and alter their action when you return them to milk culture, changing the flavor of the finished kefir. Eventually, they may recover, but it is best to wait until your kefir colony has doubled, so you can use one half for culturing herbal tea and reserve the rest for milk product fermentation.

Certain herbs may contain substances that are not friendly to the kefir, resulting in death of the colony. The grains will harden and shrivel.

Very rarely, contamination may result in an off-taste or growth of brightly colored mold on the surface. In this case, discard the liquid and rinse the grains thoroughly before re-using them.

Tap water containing chlorine may kill or weaken the kefir microorganisms, so stick to filtered or spring water.

How to Make a Huge Blister Heal

How to Make a Huge Blister Heal

Prevention is the best medicine, but sometimes a huge blister pops up before you realize what's happening. Blisters happen for a reason, as the fluid filled sacs help to protect delicate skin. But that doesn't mean you have to sit back and do nothing as you wait for them to heal. There are many natural ways you can help to heal a blister.

Things You'll Need:

Straight pin or needle

Rubbing alcohol

Aloe vera plant

Echinacea tincture

Bandages or gauze and adhesive medical tape


Drain large blisters. Clean a straight pin or needle with rubbing alcohol and make one single hole in the blister. Gently press with clean fingers until all of the fluid has drained and then wash the blister with soap and warm water.


Always let the skin on the blister dry and fall off on its own, as it is your best protection against infection.


Squeeze a bit of aloe vera gel from a fresh leaf onto the blister three or four times daily. The gel not only coats and moisturizes the delicate skin, it is also a natural antibacterial agent which helps the blister to heal while preventing infection.


Apply a few drops of echinacea tincture to the blister before bed and upon awakening. Echinacea contains polysaccharides which help to speed healing. Purchase echinachea tinctures at your local health food store.


Cover the blister with a bandage after applying aloe vera gel or echinacea tincture. If the blister is too large for a standard bandage, place a gauze pad on top and then hold it in place with adhesive medical tape.

Tips & Warnings

Allow the blister to dry thoroughly after bathing and before applying aloe vera gel, echinacea tincture and a bandage. While it is best to keep the blister clean and covered, a bit of air will also help to speed healing.