How to Make Almond Hand and Foot Scrub

How to Make Almond Hand and Foot Scrub

Sometimes you just want to relax and pamper yourself. If you've ever been to a day spa, you've seen the shelves lined with fragrant scrubs that promise to soften your skin and leave it feeling silky smooth. You can get that same treatment in your own home, for a fraction of the cost, with almond hand and foot scrub.

Things You'll Need:

Coarse sea salt

Sweet almond oil

Lavender essential oil

Quart size glass jar


Sterilize the glass jar by immersing it in boiling water, along with the lid for at least three minutes. Drain on a clean towel until dry. Make sure the lid fits tightly.


Measure out two cups of coarse sea salt into the jar. If you have a hard time finding sea salt, you may substitute kosher salt, but there will be a slight difference in texture.


Add two cups of almond oil. This is your base.


Squeeze a drop, or two, of
essential oil into the blend. If you don't like the scent of lavender, you may substitute another essential oil in its place. Rose and citrus are good choices.


Store your almond hand and foot scrub in a dark place, such as a bathroom cabinet. It should last about six months.


Stir the blend thoroughly before using. The ingredients will separate after it sits. Scoop out about a teaspoon and slather it on your hands and feet, gently massaging it into the skin for a few minutes. Wash off with soap and warm water.

Tips & Warnings

For an intense foot treatment have a hot damp towel handy to wrap your feet in after applying the scrub. Allow the scrub to remain on for 10 minutes before washing your feet.

Try replacing the sea salt with Epsom Salt for a refreshing change.

Some people have sensitive skin. If you develop redness from the scrub, discontinue use.