How to Make a Lavender Tincture

How to Make a Lavender Tincture

tincture is an infusion of dried lavender blooms in a mixture of water and your choice of strong, clear alcohol. It is very helpful in soothing jangled nerves, aiding in a restful sleep and relieving stress related headaches.

Things You'll Need:

Clean mason jar

Dried lavender

Clear alcohol

Filtered water

Measuring cup



Dark glass bottle


Fill a 1-quart mason jar or other wide mouthed jar 3/4 full with dried lavender flowers.


Mix 1 cup of strong, clear alcohol (I suggest good quality vodka) with 3 cups of clean, filtered water.


Pour the alcohol and water mixture over the lavender and cover tightly.


Shake the jar well to ensure that all the herbs are saturated and evenly dispersed through the alcohol mixture.


Store the jar in a dark, cool cabinet. Keep it away from direct light, heat sources and freezing temperatures.


Stir or shake the jar once or twice a day for at least a month to allow all the herb's natural oils and essences to release into the liquid.


Strain the mixture through a clean cheesecloth placed in a funnel, pouring the liquid into a dark glass bottle for long-term storage and gathering the herbs for the trash or compost pile.

Tips & Warnings

Use a high quality alcohol that has very little sugar to get the best results from your tincture. Vodka, Pure Grain Alcohol or Gin are good options. The alcohol should be at least 40% by volume.

Squeeze the cheesecloth to remove as much tincture liquid as possible before disposing of the herbs.

Do not give lavender tincture to anyone whose medical history you do not know. It should not be used by people with allergies to lavender or by recovering alcoholics.

Purchase your lavender from a reputable source that does not use pesticides on the plants. Pesticides on the dried lavender can seep into your tincture.