How to Make a Massage Oil for Sprains

How to Make a Massage Oil for Sprains

The tight pain of a sprain is one that nobody wants, but there’s always the risk of a sprain for those who engage in
, outdoor activities and exercise. Using essential oils, you can create your own massage oil to help soothe away the pains. Here’s how to create a massage oil that will help to treat a sprain.

Things You'll Need:

Sesame or almond oil

Plastic bottle with cap

Pure essential oils


Buy only sesame or almond oil that is specifically designed to be used for massage. It has been specially refined and prepared for use on the skin. You can get it at health food stores and online.


Choose 100 percent pure essential oils--only these offer healthful benefits. The label will state "100% pure." You can find them at health food stores and online. Don’t use synthetic oils as they do not have the same benefits.


Select the formula that most appeals to your sense of smell. Most stores have tester bottles, so take a few whiffs and choose the scents you really like. For sprains, there are several formulas to choose from and each of them have “warming” oils which create the sensation of heat as you massage them into the area. Here are two that would work especially well:Formula #1: Cypress, rose, and lemongrass essential oils. Formula #2: Cajeput,
, celery and cypress essential oils.


Make Formula #1. To create the massage oil, mix the essential oil with the sesame or almond oil, known as a "carrier" oil. Measure one tablespoon (15 ml) of the oil into the plastic bottle, then add 5 drops each of cypress, rose, and lemongrass essential oil. Shake well. Go to Step 6.


Make Formula #2. To create the massage oil, mix the essential oil with the sesame or almond oil, known as a "carrier" oil. Measure one tablespoon (15ml) of oil into the plastic bottle, then add 5 drops of cajeput, 4 drops each of lavender and celery, and 2 of cypress. Shake well. Go to Step 6.


Massage 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of the formula into the sprain and surrounding tissues. Several applications of the massage oil may be needed throughout the day until the area feels better.

Tips & Warnings

If you want to make a larger batch of oil, simply increase the proportions, such as doubling or tripling the amounts. The massage oil will keep.

Store all oils in a cool dry place. Keep the lids firmly closed to prevent evaporation, and keep away from sunlight.

For anyone with sensitive skin, dilute the essential oils even more.

Do not use essential oils if you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant without getting professional advice.

If any skin irritation occurs, stop using immediately.